Program Specifics
Licensed Provider for Boys and Girls Ages 5 to 18
Tomorrow's Children is a Residential Care Center licensed by the State of Wisconsin Department of Children and Families. We work with boys and girls ages 5 to 18 with the mission of providing a safe, positive, caring, home-like, learning environment while teaching them to be successful in a community setting
The campus of Tomorrow's Children looks like a small subdivision in the country. We are approximately 2 miles west of Waupaca off of Highway 54. Across the street is the Chain O' Lakes Exploration Center charter school and the recreation soccer fields. In our back yard is the famous Waupaca Chain of Lakes, a popular vacation spot.
The ranch style homes in our private subdivision create a home-like treatment environment. This setting allows us to see the same problem behaviors the child has had in his/her home. As a result, the child/adolescent learns appropriate behavior more quickly and this learning can be transferred to the community more efficiently
Unique Ranch Homes Situated on 15 Acres in a Private Cul de Sac Established in 1973
Specializing in Multiple Diagnoses/Mentally Ill Children/Adolescents with Severe Emotional Disturbance, Aggressive and Sexually Inappropriate Behaviors, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)
Upon referral, case histories and past evaluations are reviewed. Often, a variety of diagnostic impressions are present. We review each case on an individual basis, and do not rule out admissions based on a diagnosis alone. Most frequent childhood disorders generating referral include: attention deficit disorder, disruptive behavior disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, anxiety/depressive disorder, cognitive disorder, mood disorder, psychotic disorder, sexual dysfunction disorder, along with less problematic adjustment disorders.
Success Working with Children/Adolescents Experiencing Multiple Placement Failures
Throughout the years, we have been successful working with children and adolescents who have experienced repeated failures in a wide variety of settings. These children/adolescents will start being successful in areas that were problematic in the past. Very often, we are able to keep building on that success and open up a whole new world to them by using trauma sensitive approaches to teach resiliency
On Grounds Education with Highly Trained Special Education Staff who Work in Collaboration with Public Schools.
Our goal is to provide a safe, positive, caring, learning environment where the children/adolescents will start to be successful in school. By individualizing teaching to meet the social and academic needs of each student, we are able to turn what was once a very frustrating situation into a positive experience. Many students are able to make significant progress in both the social and academic areas of school.
We enjoy an excellent working relationship with the Waupaca Public School system. This relationship is extremely helpful when it is time to transition into public school while still maintaining the structured learning environment of residing at Tomorrow's Children.
We will also work closely with the public school in the child/adolescents' home community to make the transition into school successful.
Community Experiences
Each child will have an opportunity to earn community experience outings where the children are able to apply the skills that they have learned to successfully interact in a community setting. These outings may include:
Parties for holidays
Library outings
Movie theater
Sporting Events
Shopping to spend allowance money
Trips to local parks
Trips to Waupaca Community Recreational Facility
Comprehensive, Awake 24 Hour a Day Supervision
Safety of each child/adolescent is the most important responsibility of every employee at Tomorrow's Children. Staff are trained accordingly.
Centrally Located in Scenic Waupaca, Wisconsin
Tomorrow's Children is located approximately 2 miles west of Waupaca just off of Highway 54. Within a ½ hour radius are the Fox Valley and Stevens Point areas. Waupaca itself is well known for its Chain of Lakes and camping areas.
Intensive Individualized Highly Structured Behavioral Programming
The program at Tomorrows Children is designed to admit each child for the shortest period of time possible. The concentration is on individual programs to teach the child what is expected when living in the community. These expectations range from behavioral expectations, to social expectations, to the development of personal relationships. The behavioral program development team has extensive experience in various areas of social services and in designing individual treatment programs.
Individual, Group, and Family Therapy On Grounds, In Home and In the Community
Parent Training and Program Development On Grounds, In Home, and In the Community
Our programs are designed to promote learning of appropriate skills, constructive versus destructive discipline, and general awareness of each child/adolescent's special needs. The format and environment for each session varies and ranges from individual counseling, group discussion, and/or classroom exercises. Family attendance at each of the sessions will be assessed on an individual basis.
Our family therapy approach centers on factors within the family that contribute to the child/adolescent's need for placement. In most cases, we organize the referral material that describes individual and/or family therapy that took place before admittance. Often the records outline a long history of outpatient or inpatient intervention. We try to isolate successful intervention strategies and design an individual family approach that can be carried out by our treatment team. Specific goals are developed within 30 days of admission.
We invite families to Tomorrow's Children to observe and participate in our daily routine. During this time, the child/adolescent's specific behavior training programs, reinforcement, and discipline are explained to them. We encourage the families to practice some of the skills and discipline techniques they learned. This enables our staff to assist when necessary and also to support their efforts during this learning process.
In order to allow maximum benefit from our training/therapy, Tomorrow's Children will be as flexible as possible with scheduling times and dates of experiences. We will also adjust our approaches and certain training situations to meet each family's needs. Formal presentations of family experiences in our programs and training process will be outlined at scheduled staffings.
A part of in-home training is to observe and identify family dynamics. Another goal is to incorporate current behavior programs into the child/adolescent's home. Our treatment team works with the family to make decisions about goals, outcomes, and appropriate problem solving. They also educate the family on additional community services that may be available to them
Daily Exercise and Physical Activities Program
Our children/adolescents usually have the history of having a very difficult time with physical education classes and playing appropriately in a neighborhood. The goal of our daily exercise and physical activities program is to teach them how to be successful behaviorally in these situations. The program is tailored to the individual needs of the child considering both behavior and physical condition, while increasing the child/adolescents self-esteem.